* Beating controls:
1- Educator has to use beating after he depletes all the punitive means andSnubbing.
2- The teacher shouldn’t beat when he is very angry.
3- The teacher shouldn’t avoid the harmful places such as the head the chest the Venter and the face during beating.
4- Beating shouldn’t be severe or painful.
5- If the mistake was the first one the teacher may give another chance for the Student to correct and apologize for it.
6- The teacher should beat the student himself and doesn’t let the matter for another one (the school manager for exp)
7- The teacher should take into account the suitable time for beating when making any mistake as he shouldn’t beat the student after two days from making the mistake.
8- If the teacher observes that beating isn’t educationally useful he shouldn’tContinue using it but search for another method for treating the mistake.
- Beating for little chastisement is enough but a lot is a
decaying. - Don’t beat your student after your promising to avoid the
lack of confidence- Keeping into mind the erred Childs status and the
cause of the mistake.- The child shouldn’t be beaten for an impossible
matter.- The child should be give an opportunity if the mistake was the
first one.- The child shouldn’t be beaten in front of his lovers.- The
teacher should abstain beating if the child insists on his mistake or
his wrong and beating becomes a useless means.- The child shouldn’t be
beaten when the teacher is very angry or if he was effervescently during
beating him.- Forgetting the guilt after beating and not reminding the
child of it.- Don’t order your child to step crying during beating –
Don’t compel the child to apologize after beating and before he calms
down as it is regarded As an insult try to feel him that your punishment
is for his sake – smile to him and try to make him forget the beating
or punishment.
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