الخميس، 19 أبريل 2012

    Of Course this cause affected me and made me feel responsibility and there are alat that need thinking and it’s possible for the young to reach better salutation than the old and i fect confidence on my self and taught me how i can the teacher punishes me on positive way.

2-we learnt how to face my age problems by my self and to think on critical way to reach solutions and made me feel that there are huge problems than we think of them and in the future I was taught how to deal with students if I became a Teacher to make men for the future.

1-Of course there are solutions,As there is problem, there are solutions and as we have a brain and thinking, there are inventive solutions to get rid of the negative effects which are are sue i of this problem.
On our society and on us too,as we said the need is the mother of invention so if we want to invent solution we need it we will do without hestition.
2- From the abstract side, I felt fantastic value from my self when I co-operated with team,at last but not least we did not meet except to find a solution to raise our country better.
3- we learnt anew pal icy when I treated with my teachers and there are better when I follow traditions and old customs in the education system

   All thanks and favor to this competition which made me know new people having mind and wonderful system and respectable we won‘t know them without it.

      In deed we found our self's among them. Thank for them and respect them to me.


The remaining issues.

Collection of many of those we have with them encounters that the reasons which may be attributed punishment, the negative is not limited to the relationship Students and Teachers, but that the main reasons may return to what is much more than just students and teachers treat each other on a daily basis with each Valtgab constant may not make their relationship already and how many approaches that supposed to understand the student can not afford the number of shares weekly explain teacher, 
how come the friendship of the official transactions and if there is already enough time to explain how is seeking to acquire a teacher with a capacity of the chest with a student, despite the lack of time and how the responsibilities imposed on the teacher and especially as the supervision of the router is limited to signatures prepared in the book is that it does not matter ... As many of them attributed the cause to the corruption of the educational system So long as the foundation Aauajja All what is not without Bmstakim .... Some felt that the criminalization of private lessons may be the perfect solution for all problems of education and not just a bad relationship between teacher and student, or negative punishment.May be all those things if it were disposed of a solution to our problem, even if indirectly, but whether the organization of class schedule better or reshape the curriculum Oaslah the entire educational system or the criminalization of the lessons as they said ...... We as students fail to apply all of those opinions, but we hope to have all of those powers that makes us see the day when we finish of all the styles that impede the progress of our country so that the solution was the development of these proposals or the other completely.

Reports of students

Question1 : have you ever faced any negative methods of punishment in your school ??

The best methods of punishment

1-giving the student prize if he do what the teacher ask him to do
2-make a school trips for the clever students
3-the teacher treat with the student as his friend
4-for bid the student from making the activities which he love if he don‘t dis plain
5-make special language of cover station between the teacher and the student
6-the teacher should make the student understand his mistake
7-the teacher should pay the student attention to his mistake
8- the teacher should make trips and prizes for the clever students
answer1: the teacher must punish the students by forbid them from the break and B.E
answer 2 :the teacher can punish the students by forbid them from talking with the teacher until the student feel with his mistake and apologize to his teacher
answer3 :the teacher can send to the student‘s parents to punish their sons

The worst ways:
 * Hit the student in front of his colleagues (Sarah Jamal) 

(Radwa Mahmoud) beating and making fun of him in front of colleagues Respondent
(1): The teacher us feel that we are in the Stone Age, it enters the chapter in his hand a stick and (become) We have omitted, and if broken or anything happens to her using the belt,, On one occasion entered the teacher's classroom, and was in bad psychological state, one student said to him: Please drink??!!
 He refused the teacher and the student strike hard and deeply insulting Respondent

(2): the teacher is the source of fear and anxiety when the student, at one point late to share 5 minutes, from what I hit, but the teacher in front of the whole chapter and Ahanna. Another time we were in the share of physical education and the teacher was showing us some new exercises and chapter he makes do like him, there was a student can not do exercises, and when he saw the teacher, had insulted the entire chapter insults hurt their feelings Respondent

(3): Sometimes I feel that I am not in school, but I feel that I am in prison, the teacher punishing us severely, and sometimes Ahenna be for some unknown reason, or because of trivial

The consequences of negative punishment:

(Radwa Mahmoud) * Fear of isolation

* participate

* hates to receive information from the student teacher Fear of the student teacher, making it the Hate article and share (Sarah Jamal)

* Escape from the quota, and sometimes from school

* stubbornness and lack of student response to the orders of the teacher once again excellence * student violent manner with colleagues, teachers, and cause psychological crises of the student Respondent (1,2,3): the impact of this punishment is that the teacher hates the student and the material and can also hates school and this affects the psychological punishment is a bad student, and it is always afraid of the teacher.........................................................................................Consequences of positive punishment: * The student of form and improve his behavior (Radwa Mahmoud)

* stimulate the rest of the fellows.........................................................Parking: - (1) Name talibes: Ibtisam Ali Jalal, the first preparatory (junior high school to two joint) income teacher chapter, was in a bad psychological state, she said to him talibes: Drink as possible, but he refused the teacher, student and hit hard and insulted her 

(2) Student Name: Asim Khalid Ibrahim Faraj, a fifth primary (school - Haramain lights) delayed students to share 5 minutes what was the teacher, but the beat and humiliated in front of chapter strongly 

(3) Student Name: Asim Khalid Ibrahim Faraj, a fifth primary (school lights of the Two Holy) students were in the share of physical education and the teacher show them some exercise, and there was a student can not do aerobics, and when he saw the teacher, had insulted the chapter completely insults hurt their feelings (4) The name of the student teacher hit the student chapter for some reason unknown........................................................................................Types of punishment: the physical punishment: a severe beating by different methods such as caning 2 - psychological punishment: it is through insults and mockery and ridicule from student First, the negative ways

1 - Comparison destructive between pupils and praise the student specific form of exaggeration, which may lead to the hatred of his colleagues, his

2 - humiliation, which hurt the feelings of the student

3 - irony of the answer the student or his behavior in front of his

4 - beating Aalambrah or harmful

5 - Expulsion outside Chapter

6 - punishment of the student without the knowledge of the cause of punishment

7 - discount grades Reasons:

1 - teachers used on those roads in the wrong punishment

2 - the environment in which the teacher affect the choice of method of punishment

3 - lack of interest of the teacher and pupils to know their interests

 Interviews of experts:

Dr. Abdullah Shawky "Under the Faculty of Education, Zagazig University"

Q 1: What are the reasons for punishment?

Punishment is a departure from the unwanted behavior is a violation of everything natural and physical punishment is not punishment, I'm not a supporter of the use of corporal punishment, but the moral and psychological punishment is yielding positive results rather thannegative.

Q 2: Why object to corporal punishment? 

For there is no way to configure the man a sound or a good citizen because there are so-called suppressed feeling and subconsciousVijzn the individual suffering from the beating inside it does not appear, but at some point after adolescence, so he deals with those around him a kind of violence because it is the result of breedingcumulative and shows real violence which are raised upon the individual in any position emotionally.

Q 3: What are the educational methods that can be used as alternatives?

Through the grades and admonition and by the rule of spouse to spouse and through facial gestures and simple hints and bind family school and through the media, places of worship, advice and guidance.

الاثنين، 16 أبريل 2012

  • Reports of teachers:

    Q 1: What methods of punishment favored by the positive?  

    First I have to love the student in and then blame him if wrong, and that was outstanding students angered him (Hassan Osman) 

    change the location of the seat - the denial of flights - force him to make gifts to outstanding students - threat of deprivation of Awards (Muhammad Abdul Aziz)

     1 - show non-acceptance and condemnation of the offending act

    2 - reproach, blame and reprimand in private, and alarm (Sayed Attia)

    3 - threat of punishment and deprivation of privileges Altznep and down to the manager (Nancy Hussein)

    Q 2: What methods of punishment and negative in your view?

  • Beating, I do not use it until after the mistake more than three times (Hassan Osman)
  • Corporal punishment - expulsion - ridicule - blame the continuous him (Muhammad Abdul Aziz)
  • Style and excessive corporal punishment and ill-used methods Alakabo style of ridicule in front of colleagues (Mr. Attia)Multiplication and discount of grades (Nancy Hussein _____________________________________________________________________________
  • Q 3: What do you prefer the positive ways?
  •  Because the means of corporal punishment no longer affect it comes with negative results and must be addressed to the wishes of the punishment, the student and deprive him of it)
  • Muhammad Abdul Aziz)
  • because it does not negatively affect the student's personality (Sayed Attia)
  • Because when the student stand for 5 minutes Vcentbh with the teacher and will not repeat the error (Nancy Hussein) 
  • Q 4: What the consequences of the use of the negative ways with the students?
  • 1 - lack of interest in education - always a feeling of helplessness among his colleagues - not to accept tips again (Muhammad Abdul Aziz)
  • - a danger to the student's personality
  •  2 - tension happens to the teacher and the learner both 
  • 3 - Huh occurs between the student and the teacher may lead to hatred
  • 4 - could lead to leakage and delinquency to mention that the beatings had lost its impact Baltaud him (Mr. Attia)
  • Article and hated the teacher and the school happens to him psychological complex is given a bad impression when the student (Nancy Hussein)
  • .................................................................................
  • Q 5 How Tfrkon treatment of outstanding student and the student neglected?
  • As I mentioned earlier: outstanding student: He only that the student neglected and blame him: he had to just around the physical though I try as much as possible to avoid this method (Hassan Osman)
  • Excellence: contented himself with blaming him - Bnzerhaan - Reproach slave - demanding a promise to compensate the error (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) 
  • * and a different way of punishment on mental age and the nature of curriculumTheories of Education confirms that individual differences among students in many of the characteristics and qualities and interests so the teacher must choose the methods and means appropriate to the students of his class and is done by:
  • 1 - Choose questions appropriate to the abilities of each student 
  • 2 - Choose a continuous assessment, comprehensive and appropriate
  • 3 - Action to
  • address appropriate for each teaching position
  • 4 - Choose the appropriate punishment for the wrong amount, type, and its importance, which Eetmash with the personality of the student
  • 5 - Choose the appropriate incentive to the student's personality (Mr. Attia)

     The consequences of two methods: Of the most important effects of the reward generated by the learner reward of cases of emotional Sarah, it usually makes the child or student feels pleasure or satisfaction or pleasure to the learner that promote certain behaviors and direct the right direction. The reward increases the motivation of the child to benefit from what you know already in the home or school Reward should lead to satisfaction and satisfaction with psychological and this helps boost morale and trying to maintain its level, and the punishment should lead to discomfort and satisfaction of psychological and helps to make the child to tap more than what he has to increase the level, and has great value in all the educational process and must integration between them and going forward in the process instruction.The greater the amount of reward and punishment has increased its impact on student learning, but we should not exaggerate so as not to Evkda worth. Multiplicity of reward may lead to the abundance of laziness. And the large number of student Thagafth punishment loses himself.Each punishment results on its corporal punishment lead to physical injury, including what is simple and from Maicon severe, such as fractures in the body and the appearance of bruises in the face of the student and I lip with my own eyes and God and in the psychological punishment lead to psychological problems are terrible, including severe depression, hatred of school and refused to go to school for good.The teacher always punishes a student for two reasons:

1 - Ethics: The student is punishing tactics are many and also including beatings and humiliation of the opponent and the degrees of behavior and deprivation of expulsion quotas and outside the classroom

2 - low-level courses and are similar in the methods of punishment such as behavior Zelkn different to those of the student teacher is required Bmoajpat more of his colleagues.But the reaction is different for a student to another student there is a student teacher listens to the speech from the first time there and the teacher punished a student teacher working with him no matter how bluntly and not offset by the sense of raising the wrath of the teacher and severe punishment, which is punishable by the students.

* Educational rules of the rewards and punishment:

1- The punishment shouldn’t occurs except in the case of the repeated mistake, and when its necessary to do punishment, and the punishment should be necessary not only just a desire to punish.

2- It’s better to avoid threat with the punishment that hard to do, because that type of threat loses its effect when the student realizes that it was just words.

3- The punishment must be equivalent to the mistake that the student did , And that the power of punishment commensurate with the error

4- Its better to the teacher instructs the students to the right action before the punishment . “If you want some one to obey you to should give a possible order”
- Teacher knowledge of individual differences is essential during fixing the error :The results of the two methods:- One of the most important effects of rewards that the rewards produce happy emotional cases for the students, that’s usually make the child or the student feel with pleasure which works to activate some of Behaviors and guide the student to the right way, the rewards increase the student’s Desire to learn .

 - Reward must lead to satisfaction and self-satisfaction and this helps raise morale and make the student trying to keep his level, but the punishment must lead to discomfort and Dissatisfaction and that make the student trying to do this best to increase his level, and that have a great value of educational process. And they must be integrated

.- The more the amount of the reward and punishment increased tendency of the student to learn , but we must not exaggerate so as not to lose their value. Many reward might lead to laziness of the student and And frequent punishment makes the student lose his self-confidence- For every punishment its results in physical punishment leading to injured and some of the injuries are simple and others are serious such as fractions in the body and bruises in the student face , and psychological punishment that lead to psychological problems, including severe depression .- And the teacher often punishes the student for to reasons :

1- Behaviors : and the student is punished by many methods including beatings humiliation and discount the degrees of behavior and denial of quotas and deportation outside chapter

2- Low educational level: similar in methods of punishment such as behaviours that differs from that the teacher required student more than colleagues

A __ Guidance to address the error the learner direct guidance :
1 Open dialogue with them and discuss them and correct their mistakes and This leads to the students to accept the dictates of their teachers of the guidance of educational or behavioral or educational 
2_ Treatment of the problem and cut the roots of this problem
3_ Psychological mixing between the teacher and the learner 

B- Guidance to the learner's error runs downOf the benefits of this method:
1_ Remember the degree of personality of the learner at his companions, there is less and would rank them, and the educational benefit of the learner stating that injury desperate disease which results in a complex psychological
2_ When the teacher corrects the error style exposure to the learner, that would lead to increased trust and love between teacher and learner, learner, because I feel comfortable psychologically when the teacher addressed the mistakes without being reminded him before the people and this is something that is conducive to intellectual and psychological readiness to correct his mistake.

C_ Guidance to the wrong group to boycott the learner to him:
1_ Feel guilty at fault intersection when the group directly, and a sense of guilt leads him to modify his behavior and his footsteps
2_ the County showing the importance of the individual group
3_ Education is indirectly to members of the group
4_ Fertile environment to demonstrate the strength of the commitment of the group
D_ Multiplication method in guiding the learner to his mistakes .
1_ Methods of educational style is severely beaten, and the strange thing is that th
ere are a lot of people that oppose this way claiming that he isn’t  a civilized way with the knowledge that God Almighty Creator of the universe and mankind and the jinn know what is good for this world If we talked about the beatings, that does not mean going too far in the beating .. But must be under control and the legitimacy of educational.

E_ Controls in the beating:
1 _To resort to beating jam only after exhausting all means disciplinary and restraining
2_The teacher does not beat the student and the teacher in a state of extreme anger
3_ When beating to avoid harmful places such as the head, chest, abdomen and face
4_Be beating painless
5_If the error for the first time be given the opportunity to correct his mistake and apologizes for what he did
6 - that the teacher hit the student himself and leaves the matter to one another (e.g. Director)
7 - must be taken into account the time to strike and when it hits the mistake the student teacher's fault, two days after the commission of error
8_f the teacher felt that the beatings did not yield educational benefit but it does not continue looking for another way to handle the error.
-- Multiplication of the discipline (little enough spoil a lot) 
-Do not hit the student after your promise that you will not hit him so as not to lose the confidence you-Must consider the situation of the child at fault and the reason for his mistake
-Does not beat a child to something difficult to achieve.
-Given the opportunity if the error for the first time. 
-Does not beat the student in front of people who love them.
-To refrain from beating if the child insists on the error
-Doesn't beat during extreme anger and lack of emotion during the beating.
-Forget the guilt after beating the child and not remember it
.-Do not order the child not to cry during the beating
.Do not force the child to apologize after the beating and before the rest; because that is the humiliation and degradation, and let him think you are its consequences for him, and smiled in his face, and tried to hit him forget

Types of punishment:

1-Of physical punishment: a severe beating by different methods such as caning


2 - psychological punishment: it is through insults and mockery and ridicule from student


First, the negative ways

1 - Comparison between disruptive pupils and praise inexaggerated form of a particular student, which may lead to thehatred of his fellow

2 - hurt the feelings of humiliation, which the student

3 - irony of the answer of the student or his behavior in front of his colleagues

4 - beating Aalambrah or harmfu

5 - the package outside the classroom

6 - punishment of the student without the knowledge of the cause ofpunishment

7 - discount grades

* Beating controls:

1- Educator has to use beating after he depletes all the punitive means andSnubbing.

2- The teacher shouldn’t beat when he is very angry.

3- The teacher shouldn’t avoid the harmful places such as the head the chest the Venter and the face during beating.

4- Beating shouldn’t be severe or painful.

5- If the mistake was the first one the teacher may give another chance for the Student to correct and apologize for it.

6- The teacher should beat the student himself and doesn’t let the matter for another one (the school manager for exp)

7- The teacher should take into account the suitable time for beating when making any mistake as he shouldn’t beat the student after two days from making the mistake.

8- If the teacher observes that beating isn’t educationally useful he shouldn’tContinue using it but search for another method for treating the mistake.

- Beating for little chastisement is enough but a lot is a decaying. - Don’t beat your student after your promising to avoid the lack of confidence- Keeping into mind the erred Childs status and the cause of the mistake.- The child shouldn’t be beaten for an impossible matter.- The child should be give an opportunity if the mistake was the first one.- The child shouldn’t be beaten in front of his lovers.- The teacher should abstain beating if the child insists on his mistake or his wrong and beating becomes a useless means.- The child shouldn’t be beaten when the teacher is very angry or if he was effervescently during beating him.- Forgetting the guilt after beating and not reminding the child of it.- Don’t order your child to step crying during beating – Don’t compel the child to apologize after beating and before he calms down as it is regarded As an insult try to feel him that your punishment is for his sake – smile to him and try to make him forget the beating or punishment.

    The tauten the ear:This is what our prophet (May the prayer / the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) had done. Reported by Ibn Alsoni and on the authority of Abd Allah Ibn Basr Al mazni the prophet's friend. (May Allah be pleased / satisfied with him), He said that "may mother had sent me to the Messenger of Allah (May the prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) with a harvest of grapes and I had eaten apart of it before arriving it to the prophet. When I arrived, the prophet had tightened my ear and said " oh perfidy ".8) The Last means of treatment: "beating" (The child mustn’t be beaten before 10 years old) - Beating is the last means not the first which has some conditions and rules – also it is used in the mass matters such as leaving prayers but beating at this case should be the last step after many punitive steps And Dr Ahmed Kaadan – the lecturer in Al kassmi Academy. Had added to us what enriches our minds at this field / subject"The Messenger of Allah -may prayer and peace of Allah is upon him. Said "Command your children to perform prayer. When they are seven years old, and beat them for (not offering) it when they are ten." (Related and fined by Abu Daoud.)- Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz – Allah grant mercy upon his soul – was writing to the Countries " the teacher shouldn't beat the child more than 3 beatings as this frightens him" 
A: Guiding the learner and treating his mistake by direct guidance
1- The teacher may start dialogues discuss and correct his students mistakes this would help them to accept their teacher learning behavioral and educational directives.
2- Treating the base of the problem as well as its roots.3- The psychological mixture between the teacher and learner's.
B) Guiding the learner's wrong by exposing / showing it.This method has it fruits as.
1- The teacher keeps his learner's personality high between his friends and never reduces his position between them. This is an educational profit as it avoids feeling disappointed which causes complicated psychological diseases.
2- When the teacher corrects a learner's mistake by showing / exposing it this leads to create the feelings of confidence and fancying between them. This is because the teacher treated his mistakes without reminding him in front of the other people this made him felt self relief and encouraged him to be ready psychologically and intellectively to correct his mistakes. 
C) Guiding the learner's mistake by the abandoning of his group to him. This method has its fruits as:
1- The erred student feels his guilt when his group abandons him and the sense of guilt leads him correct his mistake and behavior.
 2- The abandoning of the group shows it importance for the group members
.3- It's a good atmosphere to show the perfect compliance of the group.
D) Guiding the learner's mistake by beating:
It's one of the educational styles using harmless beating. What is considered a strange matter that most people oppose that style claiming that it isn’t a civilization one although our god – creator of the universes man and genies – told us what is a good thing for out life and afterlife.- When we talk about beating we should keep in mind that it doesn’t mean the impenitence for revenge but it should be under legitimate and educational controls
  - Education by using retribution is considered as a natural matter for whole people in general and for child in particular, so we should not deny that from the point of showing sympathy with child or showing knowledge.As the scientific experiment assures that generations which grew up within prohibiting punishment and rejecting its use are as molten generations which are not able to face the challenges and tasks of life. So, the experiment must be followed instead of following deceptive or fragile theories.Teachers need alternative means instead of using beating as a punishment when making mistakes and to improve their behaviour. So what are the means for punishment instead of beating which are used?

1-students should ( like _ love )their teachers to be able to use simple means for punishment with them -such as- looks expressing anger or to show that the student makes a certain mistake.

2-The disregarding of the student for some times to know his wrong and apologies for it.

3-Pausing jest with the student until he apologies or ends the statues of deficiency.

4-keeping the student standing up during a period of lesson (inside not outside the class)

5-writing down the pupil's mistake or default in his record and telling his parents about it 

6-Talking friendly to the student's guardian to know the nature of the problem and co-operating with (him/her) about solving it.

7-Depriving the student of his break or activity lesson such as the physical education 

8-Depriving the student of a certain school trip 9-Blaming the student or dispraising him and telling him about his mistake lonely not in front of the others to avoid abashing him.

10-Reproaching the student if he makes a mistake

Explaining of the points: - 

1-(The severe look and spluttering) at the first or second year of birth.Abu feras thinks that his sharp looks are enough to stop his children making mistakes and sometimes, he has to use spluttering and snarl as a sign of his increasing anger and he asserts that teachers, fathers as well as mothers should pay attention to their children mistakes and their punishment should be (equal - suitable) for the mistake2-Depriving of preferred things (at the third year)Many parents and teachers have to deprive their students of things which are preferred by them as a mean of punishment. Mr.khaled Hagagra say that his daughter who is in the third grade –feels severe sad when depriving her of going to her grandfather's house.3-Example for depriving "depriving of pocket money, picnic or anything which the child likes such as a bicycle, play station or television. 4- Temporary cribbing and neglecting (2-12) years:The psychologist Ayman Mohammed Aal thinks that this kind of retribution is very useful (fruitful) although it is not overly used.This kind may be used with generations of 2 years old as when the child does something wrong, we do ……………… 1-You _as a teacher _ask the child to move to the punishment corner where he sits on a certain chair at a corner of the room or to stand up at the chamber's side 2- The child may be neglected for a while and the teacher prepares an exact alarm o'clock and sets the end of a punishment which may expand from 5_10 minutes only.Then the child is asked to perform strictly and quietly at once.If the child rejects, the teacher may reach him to the place and tell him the reason for this punishment briefly.This technique should be used for the disastrous mistakes. It's advised to use this technique at the urgent need.3- After the end of punishment, ask your punished child to explain the cause of punishment to make sure that he understood the cause of it.4-If the child repeats escaping from the punishment place, he must be separated then in a closed room and this case must be used at urgent necessity and for limited time.The origin of punishment is separating at a corner or a chair in an open room.5-Praising others in affront of him:This style is used for punishment only _ not at all cases_ and the teacher also should not use it overly as it has bad effects on the child's psychology.Abandoning:It must not increase more than 3days and stop it immediately after the child confesses his wrong.6-Theart:After the teacher depletes all means_ either educational or nor _ he has to frighten his students and threat them with beating.If they insist on severe wrong .

       Description of the target audience Different phases of human age group to another but we almost certainly that of the most difficult stages through which human is early teenage as he passes the stage of Puberty then the gender Vecelojoah changed. Also made personal between childhood and old age based on the environment where he grew up and the Methods of education received at home or in school development later to become a normal person or barbaric unstable, Does not know the solution to smaller problems has generated ill-treatment ,Bad manners and Psychological contract ,he can not get rid of them no matter how long as an output for ways out of ignorance used with a negative... Therefore, the awareness of the seriousness of deal with negative teenagers Is one of the important things that you may neglect some Future results do not realize they...One way or another it affects even the normal peers and their community to completely

 3 A description of the unique thinking in solving the problem:

* The first solution

    For granted indisputable that all we see is reflected within us either negatively or positively, but may try to apply it to the ground from the door of the experience of the thing does not convince him completely as is the case in the media all that we see on television change in us one way or another, even something as simple And if we highlighted the focus of the problem, a student, when watching any of the movies that Anatah where students their teacher saves the subconscious images of these quarrels applied the principle of equal headers set by those scenes and became for him insulting the teacher is not great as it was understood thus raises the curiosity to try this thing and especially that of the film laughing inside as well and they see they are doing and have done so as a matter of this play and the teacher becomes a laughing stock with all due respect everyone ..... And compared it to watch movies revered mentor, the student based on the awareness of both parties that this teacher is not pleased with his son, his abuse and negative punishment .... And the student that is committed to good taste and manners when dealing with his father punished him, even as it does not become or what it can do no injustice to pay him without giving up the self-respect or respect for the mentor ......Based on this, we decided to art making the educational needs of our society now as a solution of a bad relationship between teacher and student.

Of solutions is important that the student explains the lesson            


 * The second solution

    "I have never been a teacher at my school ..... uh if you were also punished for my students, I never know how well the negatives from which they suffer the impact of punitive .... and always treated them kindly important mistake in my right and right themselves Sachtera you meet each problem, get rid of a solution him of all that hinders our friendship, "Thus says the student without the knowledge that if a teacher was probably forced to use these same methods ... But why not? And inhibitor to stop a teacher his students rather than re-explain what as going to a lesson and see for himself that the settings for students with calm and taking into account time constraints and the riots and a lot more agitation is not easy ....Perhaps be excused for the teacher in some of his behavior and perhaps creates the type of punishment necessary to use her time with the students away from the beatings and humiliation is one of them and feel them If they are this is a problem experienced by the students understand the more knowledgeable people solve them and maybe the teacher finds practical ways to a new, positive change his style in dealing ..... ....Perhaps made us crazy, but this was one of our solutions and innovation, but crazy ideas!

                             Student involvement in the educational process 

     Description of factors and causes and manifestations of the problem:May be due to an imbalance in the personality of the student or the teacher and even his mood may be a weakness of the scientific article or anything else that we did not know yet, but exactly what the cause of the negative methods used in education ..... This particular question that puzzled our minds we did not find a definitive answer, it is strange to enter the teacher Chapter punishable by all his disciples, without any clear reason to do it very strange that hurts this with his words and insults that do not show a single reason justifies his anger, and even stranger that does not allow one to speak at all, even if the scope of the lesson just to his mood today is not so good and the top of strange that you find the teacher always Abosa not endure one word from the student but said it punished the most kinds of beatings, but the right is said to have deserved this student punishment Many may not Itodb with a mentor if indulgence with or that he grew up in the environment and society did not Aalmana How was the teacher all the appreciation and respect, or the neglect of his studies and not Mmakrth two made the teacher to do so could push the absence of conscience teacher because the treated students badly out of private lessons and increase the money and maybe he grew up in these ways did not think of replacement has already involved parents are more than matters worse is the motive becomes a teacher, which encourages the use of all types of punishment such as beating severely negative and psychological punishment, such as swearing and destroy the morale of the student and insulting .... Any education that does not fit that corrupts and destroys not build!!!!!

Some teachers try to make students hate education instead of education that makes them love
Some teachers try to make students hate education instead of education that makes them love



Why we chose this problem??? 

    Our belief in the importance of education and he was promoted through the UN had to be the development of teaching methods used in our schools now that are raised by our teachers Fastkhaddmoha us without the slightest regard for the difference of times and the generations that changed everything in us, but the negative tactics that we have in Mojtana small ..... It also must be converted Btalibh teacher relationship to the father and son Athoran together in all things and not a scientific article linked by a few hours in which the teacher throws his information on the student does not matter whether or not they ......And also attempts to hope to succeed in changing our country for the better, we are well aware that Egypt is a bird .. Wings teacher .. The student Atqly informed of it ...... And the rest of the body the rest of the nation that make our country Vmhal progress which we hope to walk pigeon steps, but must be strengthened her body to bend a flying squadron Ksqr honor .... We believe without the slightest doubt that the food for our bird We ourselves is education ....


الأحد، 15 أبريل 2012

what is the problem?

what is the problem?

    The project idea is to find solutions that can avoid some problems that Students face in the treatment of their teachers, as well as teachers, when insoluble

    They absorb their students ......When you make mistakes students in learning or behavior offset by teacher error greater punishment is negative does not come to the student, but condition worse than it is may lead time to hate not only the teacher and the article but learning itself, throwing him to thefire of stubbornness that make it refuses to various ways treatment of weak scientific article or shattered psyche.

    On the other hand .... May miss some of the students while waiting for the deter Many may mistake indulges in bad behavior, or up to the stage of indifference just because he did not find anyone to stop him from doing his lessons, whether negligence or lack of respect for school ......In this way, and we are unfortunately a dead end can not be completed it can not leave the student is doing everything he wants and we can not take full blame for it and we are originally from Aouselnah for that case ...If we go back to the point of the foundation of education as a whole Mmbena to every student and teacher the problems related to education and it must be related to one of them involved two of the student and the teacher the other hand .......

 So most certainly there is a solution and flanking handles without prejudice to the student Badme Kalakab severe physical or degrading Chan teacher not to respect................


 It is here .....

We started thinking